Local Advocacy Guide
How to contact Silverthorne, Dillon, Frisco
or Breckenridge with a compliment,
thank you or request
There may be times the club will ask for help with advocating for pickleball courts or time at our local public recreation facilities. Otherwise feel free to contact the folks below on your own. Please always just be reasonable and polite. Thank you.
The town most responsive to the pickleball community, Silverthorne reserves Trent Park tennis courts for pickleball drop-in three mornings/week and its Rec Center hosts four winter drop-in sessions/week, along with beginner classes, “skills and drills,” and competitive “mixers.” Each July, the town works with SCPA to host the county’s only open pickleball tournament. Eighty-five percent of Silverthorne’s 2% lodging tax goes toward capital projects to improve parks, open space, recreation and trails.
Governing bodies
- Town Council, which includes Mayor, makes all policy decisions
- SPORT (Silverthorne Parks, Open Space, Recreation & Trails) Committee reviews, plans and makes recommendations to Town Council on best uses of lodging tax $ to support Parks, Trails, and Open Space Master Plan. See agendas and meeting minutes.
Public meetings
- SPORT Committee: 3rd Thursday of each month, 5:30 PM, Silverthorne Town Hall
- Town Council: 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month, 6 PM, Silverthorne Town Hall
Key contacts
- Susan Reed SPORT Committee Chair*
- Bob Kieber, Town Council’s Representative to SPORT Committee*
- Ryan Hyland, Town Manager, Ryan.hyland@silverthorne.org
- Ann-Marie Sandquist, Mayor, asanquist@silverthorne.org
* Direct email unknown. Use info@silverthorne.org and ask email be directed to this individual
Dillon reserves the four Dillon Town Park tennis courts for pickleball one morning a week, and half the tennis courts another morning. Park amenities are considered integral to the town and the 2016 Town Park Master Plan Update calls for two dedicated pickleball courts near the current basketball court. However, pickleball courts are in danger of elimination under a pending proposal for permanent Ice Castles infrastructure.
Governing bodies
- Town Council: Makes decisions on parks and recreation. Includes Mayor
- Parks & Recreation Advisory Committee: From from citizens’ perspective, investigates and advises Town Council on protecting, improving, and promoting parks and open space
- Town Manager is 1st to review Advisory Committee recommendations
Public meetings
- Parks & Rec Advisory Committee: 1st Monday of each month, 5:30 PM, Dillon Town Hall
- Town Council: 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month, 7 PM, Dillon Town Hall
Key contacts
- Nathan Johnson, Town Manager, Nathanj@townofdillon.com
- Carolyn Skowyra, Mayor, CSkowyra@townofdillon.com
* Direct email unknown. Use info@townofdillon.com and ask email be directed to this individual
Frisco reserves the Summit Middle School tennis courts for pickleball on Saturday and Sunday mornings when school is out. There are no pickleball facilities in Frisco neighborhood parks, nor any planned in the October 2019 Neighborhood Parks Master Plan.
Governing bodies
- Town Council, which includes Mayor, makes all policy decisions
- No known advisory committee on parks and recreation.
Public meetings
- Town Council: 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month, 7 PM, Frisco Town Hall
Key contacts
- Diane McBride, Assistant Town Manager & Director of Recreation, dianem@townoffrisco.com
- Gary Wilkinson, Mayor, GaryW@townoffrisco.com
Breckenridge’s collaboration with the pickleball community has expanded significantly over the past couple of years. The town reserves Carter Park tennis courts for pickleball three days/week and, in cool weather, Breck Tennis Center court three days/week.
Governing bodies
- Town Council: Makes decisions on parks and recreation. Includes Mayor
- Recreation Advisory Committee: Represents recreational needs of the community as a whole; provides feedback and input to Recreation staff
Public meetings
- Parks & Rec Advisory Committee: 3rd Thursday of each month, 5:30 PM, Breck Rec Center’s multi-purpose room
- Town Council: 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month, 7 PM, Dillon Town Hall
Key contacts
- Recreation Advisory Committee: recadvisory@townofbreckenridge.com
- Town Council: council@townofbreckenridge.com
- Eric Mamula, Mayor: use council email above, citing mayor’s name
- Recreation customer comments: use this webpage